We firmly believe the journey from being bullied and enduring abuse to healthy and whole living is only possible through intense participation by parents.

Our experience has been that students who remain in the school environment will continue to struggle, even with intervention. Students who are transferred to another school bring the “scent” of a victim with them and are instant targets.

We recommend home education for at least two years, along with the Bullied Broken Redeemed program and parental support to build your child back up to a confident non-bully target student.

Every bullied student’s healing journey is different. Your child may be quite difficult to be around, but you can be assured that your intervention, your support, and your assurances that they will be alright, will take root.

Each step of the Bullied Broken Redeemed program takes time. As days turn into weeks and weeks to months, you will see your child learn, grow, and find themselves.

Facebook: Eden Hope Academy

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